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Triple Care Farm
Triple Care Farm
Triple Care Farm lends a hand

Triple Care Farm

a project of the Sir David Martin Foundation Mission
To create an environment where all young people can grow up in safety, with hope and opportunity and to fund effective programs that help young people in crisis to regain their health, get off the streets and achieve their goals.
About Triple Care Farm


Triple Care Farm (TCF) is a youth rehabilitation facility located in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales and run by Mission Australia.  The TCF program is an award-winning holistic residential, rehabilitation program for young people between the ages of 16-24 years, from all over Australia. The program runs for 12 weeks in an ideal environment of peace and healing for troubled youth, most of whom present with mental health and addiction issues. Over the course of 12 weeks, staff not only provide treatment for addictions but also seek to address underlying issues and contributing factors to the young person’s situation.    

How is Triple Care Farm achieving its goals?


The Farm provides a safe place for change within an atmosphere of security and encouragement to support young people to turn their lives around. With learning and change being a significant focus, the young people are referred to as 'students' once they commence the program. During their stay, students work through a 12 week individually-tailored program, addressing addiction and mental health issues, receiving one-on-one counselling with psychologists, developing treatment plans for mental health issues and participating in group therapy sessions and educational workshops.


Whilst at the Farm, students become part of an extended family and participate in communal household activities which help develop their social and living skills. They have the option to take part in a variety of courses (some accredited) designed to re-engage them with education and find pathways to employment. There is also a Creative Arts and Vocational Education program available and a gym to assist the young people in their recovery. 


Triple Care Farm is one of the most successful programs of its kind in Australia with many of the graduates moving into jobs, apprenticeships or further education.  At the end of their stay, students graduating from the program are placed in supportive environments such as group homes, back with families or independent living.  Community support networks are established and follow-up continues for up to six months after the students leave the Farm as part of the “Aftercare” program.


How is Triple Care Farm funded?


Sir David Martin Foundation funds the Triple Care Farm program along with Department of Health, community and corporate partners.



What is Lenity Australia’s involvement?


Lenity Australia’s ongoing support will fund two “Stepping Out” aftercare workers for the next three years. Aftercare support, critical to the success of the Triple Care Farm program, will enable young people to sustain the healthy changes made at the Farm.  It is anticipated that around 120 young people will benefit from this program each year.




  • On any given night, at least 44,000 young people (12 to 25) are homeless. - 2011 Census

  • One in 3 homeless young people say they are homeless because they are unable to afford housing costs or find work...

  • Homeless youth are much more likely to have alcohol and drug problems, mental illness and trouble with the law...

  • 33% of youth aged 16 and 17 years have tried at least one type of illegal substance including cannabis, hallucinogens, amphetamines, ecstasy, opiates or cocaine.

  • 6% of all deaths among young people are drug induced - ABS 2007, External Causes of Death, Data Quality

  • 12,000 young people under 25 are admitted to hospital for substance abuse

  • The annual cost of health and justice services for homeless youth in Australia is $626 million- Swinbourne University of Technology. 


Facts: 2015 outcomes 6 months after completing the TCF program:


  • No incidents of attempted suicide

  • 35% are employed

  • 82% meet their substance use goals through abstinence or decreased use

  • More than two-thirds of young people go on to pursue further education or training

  • 50% qualify and complete at least one accreditation

  • 94% secure stable accommodation

- Mission Australia 2015/16 Impacts and Outcomes Report

Learn more about Triple Care Farm

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Lenity Australia Ltd  ACN 003 026 515 

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Address: PO Box 628, North Sydney,NSW 2059

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