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Cambodia - Lavalla Primary School

LaValla School is the only registered primary school in Cambodia for students with a physical

There are approximately 86,000 children and young people under the age of 20 living with physical
disabilities in Cambodia. Those with a disability are less likely to attend school and more likely to
drop out than their non-disabled peers. Today the school has 86 students and employs teachers
with a disability.

LaValla school is government approved, purpose built for children with a disability and offers
boarding facilities for students from the rural areas, comprehensive health and rehabilitation
programmes, and access to a wide range of medical and allied health facilities.

Lenity has committed funding for 5 years to support the education of disabled children from the
most remote and poor parts of the country who otherwise would be deprived of primary education.

Learn more about Marist Solidarity Cambodia

Lenity supports Marist Solidarity Cambodia
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Address: PO Box 628, North Sydney,NSW 2059

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